UK/EI DX contest rules

Notes : With the K5P and VP8STI DXpeditions both QRV this weekend, please try to avoid causing unintentional QRM to these DXpeditions who may be operating near 3523, 7023, 14023kHz etc.

UK/EI N1MM+ users — please see the note below in Appendix 1 about how to configure N1MM+ correctly.

1. General
The aim of these contests is to promote contacts between stations in the U.K. and Ireland (UK/EI) and stations in the rest of the world (DX).

All UK and EI contesters, including those with modest stations and antennas, will experience the fun of being a 'Multiplier' in a worldwide contest.

All entrants can work all other entrants for QSO points and multipliers, however the longer-term intention is that these contests will be UK/EI works the World.

For the first year or two we have to take into account that UK/EI participation may take time to build up and that there are long periods in the 24 hours when DX stations cannot work UK/EI stations because there is no propagation.

Accordingly, we are initially allowing DX to DX contacts which will make the contest more interesting for DX stations (and increase their points score) during the periods when they cannot work UK/EI stations for points and multipliers. (These DX to DX contacts might become a longer-term feature of these contests)

Adjudication is automated, with logfiles being submitted online within 2 hours of the end of the contest.

2. Dates and times / modes

5/6th December 2015 1200z-1200z SSB

23/24th January 2016 1200z-1200z

3. Bands / mode
3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28MHz.
Contest-preferred segments must be observed — on 80m and 20m these are : CW 3510-3560 kHz, 14000-14060 kHz SSB 3600-3650 kHz, 3700-3800 kHz, 14125-14300 kHz.

Note : On 80m and 40m on Sunday morning, any News Bulletin frequencies should be avoided.

4. Entry categories
All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could affect their submitted score.

4.1 Location
UK/EI: any operator located in and operating a station located in, EI, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW.
DX: any other station. For each entry, all operators and all equipment (transmitters, receivers) must be located within a 500m diameter circle. Antennas must be physically connected by RF transmission lines to the transmitters and receivers

4.1.1 Remote operation. Internet-hosted or any other form of remote operation is only permitted where the operator is physically in the same DXCC entity and within 500km of the (one) remote station they are permitted to use during the contest. The location of this remote station must be verifiable.
The operator must use the callsign assigned to the remote station and not their personal callsign, if different. Operators using a remote station are classified as Remote Assisted (Connected) and are placed in a separate Category.

4.2 Operators

4.2.1 Single operator Unassisted (Unconnected) — One person. One signal at any one time. Any form of QSO alerting assistance disqualifies the entrant from the Single-operator Unassisted (Unconnected) category.

4.2.2 Single-operator Assisted (Connected) — One person. One signal at any one time. QSO alerting assistance is allowed. Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not allowed.

Note : Each of the above Single-operator categories have the option to enter the SINGLE-ELEMENT ANTENNA category — this means one antenna covering all bands e.g. a wire doublet fed via an ATU or a multi-band vertical. (Select SINGLE-ELEMENT ANTENNA overlay when you upload your logfile to the robot)

4.2.3 Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter — UK/EI only — More than one operator, but only one TX at that station i.e. this is not Multi-One or Multi-Single, but is intended for e.g. radio club members taking turns at operating the same single TX station. QSO alerting assistance is allowed (this includes, but is not limited to, packet, local or remote Skimmer and/or Skimmer-like technology, RBN, Internet). Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not allowed. Entries in this category must be for 24 hours and remote operation is not permitted in this category. A full list of operators must be included with a Multi-op entry — in the Cabrillo OPERATORS section.

Note: There are no other Multi-Operator categories.

4.3 Callsigns Entrants may use any callsign issued to them personally. If operating a club station as in Rule 4.2.3 above, the callsign of that club station should be used.

4.4 Operating Time

(a) 24 hours — 1200z to 1200z (Multi-Operator entries must be 24 hours)

(b) 12 hours In the 12-hour category, each 'off' period must be a minimum of 60 minutes. © To encourage UK/EI multipliers to be available overnight, all QSOs made by UK/EI stations only between the hours of 0100z and 0459z will be worth double points (in addition to any other bonus points)

5. Power categories(a) High Power — the maximum permitted by the entrant's licence or 1500W, whichever is the lower.

(b) Low Power — maximum 100 watts output

© QRP — maximum 5 watts output

Any station not indicating their transmitter power on their submitted Cabrillo logfile will be classified as High Power.

6. Exchange
RS(T) (optional) plus a sequential serial number starting from 1. UK/EI entrants add their 2-character UK/EI District Code.

The same sequence of serial numbers should be used across all 5 bands i.e. do not start at 1 when moving to a new band.

7. Scoring

7.1 QSO Points — All entrants can contact anyone for points, whether UK/EI or DX.

UK/EI stations contacting :

UK/EI/Europe 80m, 40m 4 points 20m, 15m, 10m 2 points
Outside Europe 80m, 40m 8 points 20m, 15m, 10m 4 points

Note : For UK/EI stations only, all QSOs will score double points between the hours of 0100z and 0459z.

Europe an stations contacting :
UK/EI 80m, 40m 4 points 20m, 15m, 10m 2 points
Europe 80m, 40m 2 points 20m, 15m, 10m 1 points
DX (outside Europe) 80m, 40m 4 points 20m, 15m, 10m 2 points

DX (outside Europe)contacting :
UK/EI 80m, 40m 8 points 20m, 15m, 10m 4 points
Europe 80m, 40m 4 points 20m, 15m, 10m 2 points
DX (outside Europe) 80m, 40m 2 points 20m, 15m, 10m 1 points

7.2 Multipliers — There are 2 types of multipliers (i) different DXCC countries and (ii) UK/EI District Codes.
The multiplier total is the total of different DXCC countries worked on each band, (excluding the UK/EI DXCC countries EI, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW) plus UK/EI District Codes worked on each band.Note : All QSOs with UK/EI stations only count for District Code multipliers — they do not count for DXCC country multipliers.

7.3 Total Score — The final score is the total QSO points multiplied by the multiplier total e.g. 4000 QSO pts x 500 mults = 2000000 points.

See Appendix 2 below for a list of UK/EI District Codes.

8. Logs

8.1 Electronic submission of logs is required for all logs, which must conform to the Cabrillo format described below. No other form of log will be accepted. All QSO times must be logged in UTC.

8.2 For Cabrillo logs, the categories and category overlays are created automatically when you upload your logfile and select the categories on the log submission robot.

8.3 Please ensure you send a single log, with the logged QSOs in order of Serial number sent. Do not send separate logs for each band. Your Cabrillo QSO records must conform to this format:

UK/EI station log :
QSO: 28024 CW 2014-07-26 1338 G3XYZ 599 001 OX ON4SS 599 018 —
QSO: 21003 CW 2014-07-26 1341 G3XYX 599 002 OX GM4SID 599 130 AB
QSO: 7165 PH 2014-07-26 1343 G3XYZ 59 003 OX W3LPL 599 036 —

DX station log:
QSO: 28024 CW 2014-07-26 1338 DL1AA 599 001 — ON4SS 599 018 —
QSO: 21003 CW 2014-07-26 1341 DL1AA 599 002 — GM4SID 599 130 AB
QSO: 7165 PH 2014-07-26 1343 DL1AA 59 003 — EI7CC 599 036 DU

Note — to qualify for an award, your submitted Cabrillo logfile must show all the QSO frequencies to the nearest 1kHz.

8.4 Entries must be uploaded via the online log submission robot :

Entrants should check their Cabrillo logfile via a text editor before sending it, to avoid potential problems. Entrants will receive an acknowledgement by e-mail immediately, advising them if there is any problem with their log and asking them to correct it and resubmit it.

8.5 See Appendix 1 below for information about which contest logging software packages support these contests.
8.6 The log submission deadline is 2 hours after the end of the contest. Logs are then electronically adjudicated and the Provisional Results posted online a few minutes later. Entrants who wish to appeal about any aspect of their adjudicated final score have 24 hours after the online publication of the Results to do so. UBN files will be online and/or e-mailed to entrants.

9. Penalties

Points may be deducted, or entrants disqualified, for violation of the rules or for having poor quality transmitted signals. This includes, for example, use of a third party to make contacts on a list or net, contacting CW stations on an SSB frequency or vice-versa, failing to observe appropriate contest-preferred band segments, and excessively wide signals — including key clicks and distorted audio.
9.1 Logging errors — Incorrectly logged callsign or serial number = loss of that QSO points plus 2X the value of that QSO points.

The bad QSO is removed plus a penalty of 2 equivalent QSOs is applied to the points only. In addition, removal of a bad QSO might result in the loss of a Multiplier, so accurate logging is essential. e.g. a UK/EI station's error in logging a 20m QSO with a European station = loss of that QSO points (2pts) plus a further 4pts (2 x 2pts)

9.2 The following penalties also apply :

  • NILs — loss of that QSO points plus 1X the value of that QSO points.
  • Operating outside the published band segments — all QSOs disallowed

9.3 By submitting a log, you agree that the decision of the UK/EI DX Contest team will be final in all matters of dispute. You also agree to your submitted Cabrillo logfile and the associated UBN file being in the public domain on the UKEICC website.

10. Awards

The new 'Kenwood Trophies' and several other attractive plaques are awarded to the winners of different categories. Certificates (PDFs) will be awarded to leading stations in each entry category and power category.

11. General Rules

The following General Rules also apply :

11.1 Entries are accepted at the sole discretion of the UKEICC committee.

11.2 A different call sign must be used for each entry. Only the entrant’s call sign may be used to aid the entrant’s score.

11.3 Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.

11.4 Remote operation is permitted (see rule 4.1.1 above) if the physical location of all transmitters, receivers, and antennas are at one station location. A remotely operated station must obey all station license, operator license, and category limitations. Remote receivers outside the station location are not permitted.

11.5 Only one signal on a band is allowed at any time. Alternating CQs on two or more frequencies on a band is not permitted.

11.6 All requests for contacts, responses to calls, and copying of call signs and contest exchanges must be accomplished during the contest period using the mode and frequencies of the contest.

11.7 Call signs logged must be the same as those exchanged over the air by the entrants during the QSO.


Appendix 1 — Contest logging software packages which support these contests

SD = fully supported — thanks Paul EI5DI

N1MM+ = fully supported — thanks Nick NA3M and Les G4OGB Note — there is only one box for 'Received exchange' ('Exch') so just enter the Received Serial number and any District Code as one string e.g. 104AB, 311CF, etc. The Cabrillo logfile will list this information as separate columns. UK/EI only — the default N1MM+ sent exchange is 001AB — please edit this on the contest setup page to be 001 then your District code.

UcxLog = fully supported — thanks Ben DL7UCX = fully supported — thanks Jim M0CKE

Skookumlogger for Mac = fully supported — thanks Bill K1GQ and Jonathan G0DVJ

QARTest = fully supported — thanks Paolo IK3QAR

GenLog = fully supported — thanks David W3KM and Jim GW0BBO

Writelog = thanks Steve GW4BLE

WinTest — author has been asked, but currently not supported


Appendix 2 — UK and EI two-character District Codes

AB — Aberdeen — GM
AL — St. Albans — G
AN — Antrim — GI
AR — Armagh — GI
BA — Bath — G
BB — Blackburn — G
BD — Bradford — G
BH — Bournemouth — G
BL — Bolton — G
BM — Birmingham — G
BN — Brighton — G
BR — Bromley — G
BS — Bristol — G
CA — Carlisle — G
CB — Cambridge — G
CE — Clare — EI
CF — Cardiff — GW
CH — Chester — G
CK — Cork — EI
CL — Carlow — EI
CM — Chelmsford — G
CN — Cavan — EI
CO — Colchester — G
CR — Croydon — G
CT — Canterbury — G
CV — Coventry — G
CW — Crewe — G
DA — Dartford — G
DD — Dundee — GM
DE — Derby — G
DG — Dumfries — GM
DH — Durham — G
DL — Darlington — G
DN — Doncaster — G
DO — Donegal — EI
DR — Derry/Londonderry — GI
DT — Dorchester — G
DU — Dublin — EI
DW — Down — GI
DY — Dudley — G
EC — London EC1-4
EH — Edinburgh — GM
EL — London E1-18
EN — Enfield — G
EX — Exeter — G
FE — Fermanagh — GI
FK — Falkirk — GM
FY — Blackpool — G
GA — Galway — EI
GL — Gloucester — G
GS — Glasgow — GM
GU — Guildford — G
GY — Guernsey — GU
HA — Harrow — G
HD — Huddersfield — G
HG — Harrogate — G
HP — Hemel Hempstead — G
HR — Hereford — G
HS — Outer Hebrides — GM
HU — Hull — G
HX — Halifax — G
IG — Ilford — G
IM — Isle of Man — GD
IP — Ipswich — G
IV — Inverness — GM
JE — Jersey — GJ
KA — Kilmarnock — GM
KD — Kildare — EI
KE — Kerry — EI
KI — Kilkenny — EI
KT — Kingston on Thames — G
KW — Orkney Islands — GM
KY — Kirkcaldy — GM
LA — Lancaster — G
LD — Llandrindod Wells — GW
LE — Leicester — G
LF — Longford — EI
LH — Louth — EI
LI — Limerick — EI
LL — Llandudno — GW
LN — Lincoln — G
LO — Laois — EI
LP — Liverpool — G
LS — Leeds — G
LT — Leitrim — EI
LU — Luton — G
MA — Mayo — EI
ME — Medway — G
MK — Milton Keynes — G
ML — Motherwell — GM
MO — Monaghan — EI
MR — Manchester — G
MT — Meath — EI
NE — Newcastle upon Tyne — G
NG — Nottingham — G
NL — London N1-22
NN — Northampton — G

NR — Norwich — G
NW — London NW1-11
OF — Offaly — EI
OL — Oldham — G
OX — Oxford — G
PA — Paisley — GM
PE — Peterborough — G
PH — Perth — GM
PL — Plymouth — G
PO — Portsmouth — G
PR — Preston — G
RG — Reading — G
RH — Redhill — G
RM — Romford — G
RO — Roscommon — EI
SA — Swansea — GW
SD — Sheffield — G
SE — London SE1-28
SG — Stevenage — G
SI — Sligo — EI
SK — Stockport — G
SL — Slough — G
SM — Sutton — G
SN — Swindon — G
SO — Southampton — G
SP — Salisbury — G
SR — Sunderland — G
SS — Southend on Sea — G
ST — Stoke on Trent — G
SW — London SW1-20
SY — Shrewsbury — G
TA — Taunton — G
TD — Tweed — G/GM
TF — Telford — G
TI — Tipperary — EI
TN — Tonbridge — G
TQ — Torquay — G
TR — Truro — G
TS — Teeside — G
TW — Twickenham — G
TY — Tyrone — GI
UB — Uxbridge — G
WA — Warrington — G
WC — London WC1-2
WD — Watford — G
WF — Wakefield — G
WI — Wicklow — EI
WL — London W1-14
WM — Westmeath — EI
WN — Wigan — G
WR — Worcester — G
WS — Walsall — G
WT — Waterford — EI
WV — Wolverhampton — G
WX — Wexford — EI
YO — York — G
ZE — Shetland Islands — GM

Total = 155 District codes