Norms recommended for the shipment of works to publish in RECVET

Revista Electrónica de Clínica Veterinaria, RECVET® (Electronic Journal of Clinical Veterinary) is a free electronic scientific journal of clinical veterinary (medicine and surgery), with a four monthly initial regular recurrence and with world wide distribution. It is one of the official organ of expression in the web portal of and the scientific societies of clinical veterinary that belong to it.

All the manuscripts should be organized with title, keywords and abstract in Spanish and English. The rest of the text must be in Spanish language and correctly structured, nevertheless Manuscripts should be written in English (the Spanish is always obligatory) in order to get a more diffusion of the manuscript. For manuscripts in English language we have an scientific translation service (English-Spanish) with an additional cost of 0.05 euros per word.

References must follow strictly the references rules.

You must verify in a letter the ethics responsibilities of the manuscript and the transfer of copyright to RECVET.


Electronic Journal of Clinical Veterinary (RECVET) will accept manuscripts of clinical veterinary (medicine or surgery). RECVET will have priority to accept original research manuscripts. although review articles, methanalysis, clinical cases and letters to the editor will be accepted too.

Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts have to be original and not being considered for publication elsewhere. If the manuscript has been published partially the author will have to indicate this situation in detail with the cover letter. Submission also implies that all authors have approved the paper for release and are in agreement with its content.

Manuscripts should be written in Spanish, other language will not be accepted. Nevertheless the English language will be accepted but only if it is accompanied by the Spanish version. For manuscripts in English language we have an scientific translation service (English-Spanish) in order to get a proper Spanish translation, with an additional cost of 0.05 euros by word. The payment will be by western union transfer service.

The manuscript will be send in Microsoft Word or RTF (Rich Format Text) format in an attachment file and without security code.. Illustrations, tables , figures or movies will be send in independent attachment files, Explanations should be given below them. The number and title legend will be indicated on top of each one.

All the manuscripts should be organized with title, keywords (3-10) and abstract in Spanish and English. Authors will have to indicate their name-surname, work or investigation institution, e-mail and optionally telephone and fax.

Manuscripts will have to be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the type of manuscript and the conformity of all authors in the manuscript content, transfer of copyright and the ethics responsibilities (if they exist).

Manuscripts should have numbered lines, with wide margins and double spacing throughout, i.e. also for abstracts, footnotes and references. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be numbered at the below right margin.

The first page will include the title of the manuscript, in both Spanish and English language, the names-surnames, work or investigation institutions, e-mails and optionally telephones and faxes of each author. Finally name and surname of the corresponding author must be include.

The second page will include the abstract and key words in Spanish and English languages.

The rest of the pages will have the different parts of the manuscript, according to the “Structure of the text” section.

Tables will have to be done with the –Table- tool of Microsoft Word.

Images must be send in digital format:: TIIF, JEPG or BMP. The digital resolution will have a minimum of 300 dpi. In JEPG format the compression will be the minimum as possible in order to get the maximum resolution. Images can be insert in word files (one by each word file) indicating in the title of the archive the number of each one . There are no maximum number of images by manuscript.. X-Rays, Scans, Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) will be scanned in black and white (grey) scale and will be save in JEPG format. On the contrary, endoscopy images and the rest must be scanned in colour.

Movies will be send and the editorial board will decide if its format is correct or not to be accepted.

Acknowledgements and other mentions must be include in the last page of the manuscript (before the references) .

Structure of the manuscript

1.- The first page will include the title of the manuscript the names-surnames, work or investigation institutions, e-mails and optionally telephones and faxes of each author. It must be done in one page for the Spanish language and in the next one for English language.

2.- Authors’ affiliation will be in this following form (C is the correspondence author)

Peter White1,C, Mike Rooney2, Rose Overall1

1 Endocrinology and Nutrition Department. University Hospital of Cordoba. 14001. Córdoba. Spain.

2Nutrition and Metabolism Departament. Andrew’s Hospital. 23002. Granada. Spain.

3.- Keywords: will be send below the abstract. They will be a total of 3-10 and they will be linked with the manuscript. Keywords will be separated by the symbol “|” (press in the keyboard :ALT GR + 1). Example: fat| glucose| protein…

4.- Abstract : will be included in the second page following by its keywords. It will be in Spanish and English language. The abstract should be clear, descriptive and not longer than 400 words. The abstract needs to be a carefully written summary of the article and should summarise it so that it is understandable on its own, without reference to the full text. It should begin with a clear statement of the objective of the paper, and end by pointing out important conclusions.
5.- Original research manuscripts will have the following structure:


6.Acknowledgment and any additional information concerning research grants, etc.

Points 2-3 (Material and Methods) and 4-5 (Results and Discussion) can go together. After point 5 It is accepted a Conclusion section.

Introduction: it should explain the background, why the research was done, and specify the hypothesis that is being tested.

Materials and Methods : All procedures should be clearly explained, or referred to by means of the original reference. Any modifications to procedures must be explained. The information provided should be sufficient that a reader could repeat exactly the experiments reported, if desired. When the study is done with animals the title of the section could be also “Animals and Methods” or “Subjects and Methods”

Results: This section should include only results that are relevant to the hypotheses outlined in the Introduction and considered in the Discussion. Present results in tabular or graphical form (see following sections) wherever possible. Results already described in the tables or figures shouldn’t be repeated in this section. Sufficient data should be presented so that the reader can interpret the results independently.

Discussion: it should interpret the results, and set them in the context of what is already known in the appropriate field. Results already described in the Results section should not be repeated here. Any necessary extensive discussion of the literature should be placed in the Discussion, and not in the Introduction.

Conclusion: it should be one no longer than 5 lines, and should present the take-home message that can be derived from the results presented.
6.- Methanalysis and reviews: They will include at least Abstract and Conclusions section.

7.- Clinical Cases: They will include Introduction, Clinical case/es and Discussion.

8.- References: The manuscript will have to include the references following these conditions:

1. In the text refer to the author's name (without initial) and year of publication (Harvard nomenclature) . The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on authors' names. We also allowed the list of references arranged chronologically according to the order of author mentioned in the manuscript.

2. If reference is made in the text to a publication written by more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used followed by «et al.»

3. References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on authors' names, and chronologically per author. If an author's name in the list is also mentioned with co-authors, the following order should be used: publications of the single author, arranged according to publication dates — publications of the same author with one co-author — publications of the author with more than one co-author. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be listed as 1974a, 1974b, etc.

4. Use the following system for arranging your references:

a. For periodicals journals:

Mastrota, F. M., Mench, J. A., 1994. Avoidance of dyed food by the northern bobwhite. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 42, 109-119.

b. Work accepted for publication but not yet published should be referred to as «in press»:

Mastrota, F. M., Mench, J. A., 1994. Avoidance of dyed food by the northern bobwhite. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. In press

c. For supplements of a volume published in a periodical journal:

Shen, H.M., Zhang, Q.F., 1994. Risk assesment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ. Health. Perspect. 102, Supl 1,275-282.

d. For the part of a volume published in a periodical journal:

Ozben, T., Nacitarhan, S., Tuncer, N.,1995. Plasma and urine sialic acid in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 1995, 32(Pt 3),303-306.

e. For the part of an issue published in a periodical journal

Poole, G.H., Mills, S.M., 1994. One hundred consecutive cases of flap lacerations of the leg in aging patients. N. Z. Med. J. 107(986 Pt 1),377-378.

f. For an issue without a volume in a periodical journal:

Turan, I., Wredmark, T., Fellander-Tsai, L., 1995. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis in reumathoid arthritis. Clin. Orthop. (320),110-114.

g. For electronic periodical journals you can do the same than in point “a” or indicate the volume, issue and number of article:

Turan, I., Wredmark, T., Fellander-Tsai, L., 1995. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis in reumathoid arthritis. Clin. Orthop. 6 (12), art 1237.

h. For journals with no volume or issue:

Browell, D.A., Lennard, T.W., 1993. Inmunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses. Curr. Opin. Gen. Surg. 325-333.

i. For books whose editors and authors are the same person:

Alcock, J., 1975. Animal Behavior. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, pp. 173-204.

j. For books whose editors and authors are not the same person:

Norman, I.J., Redfern, S.J., 1996. Mental health care for elderly people. In: Gutierrez, P.G. (ed). First edición. Churchill Livingstone.. Nueva York (USA). pp. 12-13.

k. For a quotation of a book’s chapter, the order will be authors, chapter’s title, “in”, the editor (ed) or editors (eds), edition, editorial, city of the editorial and pages(pp):

Phillips, S.J., Whisnant, J.P., 1995. Hypertensión and stroke. In: Laragh, J.H., Brenner, B.M., (eds). Hypertensión: pathophysiology, diagnosis and management. Vigésima edición. Raven Press. Nueva York. (USA). pp. 465-78.

l. In the case of publications in any language other than English, the original title is to be retained. However, the titles of publications in non-Latin alphabets should be transliterated, and a notation such as «(in Russian)» or «(in Greek, with English abstract)» should be added.

m. For references concerning unpublished data in personalcommunications, congress or conferences, the order will be authors, year, title, “In” (following by the editors if there are), the name of the personal communication, congress or conference, the city, country and the pages ( if there are):

Bengtsson, S., Solheim, B.G. ,1992 Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. En: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienholf O (eds). MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; Ginebra (Suiza).pp. 17-19.

n .Articles available online but without volume and page numbers may be referred to by means of their URL code, indicating the time and the date in which the search was done:

Bravo P.,1999. Dueños Responsables, Perros Seguros. Número 160 / 21 febrero de 1999. URL: Searched 29th January 2005, 10:30 pm..

9.- Tables will have to be done with the –Table- tool of Microsoft Word. Each table will be included in a different page inside the “table file attached”. Each table will have its corresponding numeration that is in the text. The number and title legend will be indicated on top of each one. If explanations are necessary it should be given below them. If the author wants to use tables from another authors it is necessary to have their permission.

10. Figures, images and pictures must be send in digital format: TIIF, JEPG or BMP. The digital resolution will have a minimum of 300 dpi. In JEPG format the compression will be the minimum as possible in order to get the maximum resolution. Images can be insert in word files (one by each word file) indicating in the title of the archive the number of each one. There are no maximum number of images by manuscript.. Each figure, image or picture will have its corresponding numeration that is in the text. The number and title legend will be indicated on top of each one. If explanations are necessary it should be given below them. . X-Rays, Scans, Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) will be scanned in black and white (grey) scale and will be save in JEPG format. On the contrary, endoscopy images and the rest must be scanned in colour. If the author wants to use Figures, images or pictures from another author it is necessary to have their permission.

11. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title of the manuscript. Nevertheless abbreviations are allowed in the rest of the text if they are defined once they are used.

Evaluation process of manuscripts

The evaluation of manuscripts will be always a double blind peer-reviewed process. The manuscript will be evaluated at leats by two reviewers. These referees will be selected from experts in the fields discussed in the article and they will not aware of each other's identities. Referees are not selected from among the authors' close colleagues, relatives, or friends. Referees are supposed to inform the editor of any conflict of interests that might arise. Authors will be encourage to name natural candidates who should be disqualified, in which case they may be asked to provide justification.

Transfer of copyright

The copyright of the manuscript will be transferred to RECVET. This transfer of copyright includes all material to be published as part of the article. The corresponding author on behalf of all co-authors of the manuscript will send a cover letter indicating the transfer of copyright

Legal and ethical responsilities

1. Authors will be responsible for the contents of the manuscript.

2. RECVET guarantees the confidentiality of the manuscript during the peer-review process.

3. If there are economic interests authors will have to indicate them.

4. Manuscripts will be original, unpublished and they will not be simultaneously under review for publication elsewhere.

5. RECVET will adhere to European Community or Internacional’s recommendations or legislations about scientific communication or animal welfare. RECVET will can also adhere to recommendations from another regions or countries in order to improve the quality of the journal.