It was twenty years ago today

Happy birthday, Perl!

It was 20 years ago today
Larry Wall taught some text to play
It's been going in & out of style
But it's stuck around for quite a while()
So may I introduce to you
The tool you've loved for all these years
Larry's Practical Extract & Report Laaaanguage

Perl 5.10 has been released today, as has Parrot 0.5.1. Perl 5.10 is a huge update, and you should look at it.

Michael Schwern points to baby pictures of our favorite language. He got Perl 1 working under modern compilers a few years back, and points to the current project and repository, now maintained by Richard Clamp.

Festivities around the Perl community abound. Perl Mongers in Chicago and Portland are getting together for dinner (and probably a little beer).

The plan was to have Perl 5.10 out today as part of the birthday celebration, but some last minute regex bugs seem to have put a wrench in that. Here's hoping it comes out soon.

It's Larry's Practical Extract Report Lang
5.10 got its bugs fixed
Larry's Practical Extract Report Lang
Don't ask for a date for version 6...