Philosophical events (conferences, &c)

Philosophical events (conferences, &c)

CONFERENCE : TOLAND: TOLERANCE, REASON AND RELIGION (Second notice). Conference organized by the Centre for the History of Philosophical Theology in collaboration with the British Society for the History of Philosophy. 27-28 June 2007, King’s College London, Strand Campus, River Room.

The Smartminting© Advantage

The Smartminting© Advantage

Smartminting© is a revolutionary technology in the field of modern numismatics. It literally pushes the boundaries, facilitates new specifications and sets new standards in the commemorative coin industry.The greatest advantage of smartminting is undoubtedly the dramatic and unsurpassed relief heights combined with extraordinarily intricate details that the smartminting process

Call of Cthulhu line

Call of Cthulhu line

If you have ever been enthralled by a ghost story or spellbound at a horror movie, you are in for a treat. Part the veil that separates frail humanity from the terror that lurks beyond space and time. Investigate forgotten ruins, haunted woods, and nameless menaces.

Travel as pleasure and how to avoid It

Travel as pleasure and how to avoid It

There’s a particular moment in the documentary Comedian when Seinfeld says: One day I was watching these construction workers go back to work. I was watching them kind of trudging down the street. It was like a revelation to me. I realised these guys don’t want to go back to work after lunch.

FinTech in Liechtenstein

FinTech in Liechtenstein

Financial technologies are an opportunity for Liechtenstein. The FMA pursues the approach of using and designing regulation in such a way that established financial service providers and new enterprises are able to implement their business models. If you wish to offer services in the field of FinTech in Liechtenstein, this is the place to find initial information about the regulatory framework.

UNWTO calls for global community to support small island developing states

UNWTO calls for global community to support small island developing states

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) is calling for the international community to show solidarity with ‘small island developing states’ (SIDS) by ensuring they have access to Covid-19 vaccinations. With tourism a leading employer and economic pillar for many of the SIDS.

Fun facts – interesting stats about sales

Fun facts – interesting stats about sales

Nearly 12.3% of all the jobs in the U.S. are full time sales positions. Over one trillion (that’s nine zeros) is spent annually on sales forces. Average cost of customer contact: Telephone sales calls = $33.11. Field sales calls = $276.48.

Audible Panorama: automatic spatial audio generation for panorama imagery

Audible Panorama: automatic spatial audio generation for panorama imagery

Given a panorama image, our system will run the object detection on the slices sampled from the panorama image. The objects in the slices will be marked by a bounding box with the confidence score. ***NOTE: We run our approach on 1305 images, but due to the copyright issues, we only provide the URL to download the images instead of putting the images on our website ***

How to Buy ARK: Survival Evolved Items

How to Buy ARK: Survival Evolved Items

Select the items you need, add them to shopping cart, or pay immediately. Submit the correct information and complete the payment. Accept our invite in the game, if the waiting time is too long, please contact customer service.

Sumatran forest carbon deal slammed by Australian and Indonesian environment groups

Sumatran forest carbon deal slammed by Australian and Indonesian environment groups

Friends of the Earth Australia (FoEA) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) have come out strongly in opposition to the new Australian-Indonesian Forest Carbon Partnership announced to coincide with the Indonesian President’s visit to Canberra.