‘Its teeth went straight through my leg’: Teen surfer survives shark attack in Florida

‘Its teeth went straight through my leg’: Teen surfer survives shark attack in Florida

A 17-year-old surfer from Florida is recovering from a shark attack that left him with dozens of stiches in his leg. Jordan Hooper, 17, needed nearly two dozen stitches to his right leg after a shark bit down on it while he was surfing last Saturday in Ormond Beach, Florida. The teenager was swimming for his surfboard after being knocked over by a wave when he kicked something. “It grabbed

Top 10 Best Mini Fuzz Pedals On The Market (October 2020)

Top 10 Best Mini Fuzz Pedals On The Market (October 2020)

The best mini fuzz pedals on the market are great pedals to add to your collection. They have a very distinctive sound. One that’s more intense than overdrive or distortion effects. The fuzz effect is very popular with electric guitar players due to it giving your tone an aggressive, attention grabbing tone. A wide range of different fuzz effects exist. From the classic fuzz effects of Jimi

What residence documents are issued to the Union citizens and their family members?

What residence documents are issued to the Union citizens and their family members?

A Union citizen is entitled to receive a registration card if: he/she is employed in the Republic of Latvia in the status of an employee;he/she is a self-employed person in the Republic of Latvia;he/she is a service provider or an employee of a person established in a Member State that provides services in the Republic of Latvia.

Professional and ethical standards for the AAS journals

Professional and ethical standards for the AAS journals

1. Ethics As implicit conditions for publishing in The Astrophysical Journal and The Astronomical Journal, authors are expected to adhere to basic standards of professional ethics and conduct that are common across all areas of scholarly publishing. In the publication agreement authors warrant that their work is original and has not been published elsewhere.

A new era for Nokia smartphones

A new era for Nokia smartphones

HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, today unveiled a new generation of Nokia smartphones, setting a new standard in design, quality and user experience throughout the range. The highly anticipated global portfolio features three new smartphones – the new Nokia 6, delivering performance and immersive entertainment in a premium and extremely robust design; Nokia 5, an elegant smartphone that fits

First-ever luxury space hotel, Aurora station, to offer authentic astronaut experiences

First-ever luxury space hotel, Aurora station, to offer authentic astronaut experiences

Launched by Orion Span, Aurora Station Will Host Immersive 12-Day Trips Beginning in 2022; Now Accepting Deposits. The first-ever luxury space hotel was introduced today during the Space 2.0 Summit in San Jose, California.

Bill Skarsgårds twisted story of bringing Stephen Kings Pennywise to life

Bill Skarsgårds twisted story of bringing Stephen Kings Pennywise to life

His performance in 'It' makes the actor one of EWs Entertainers of the Year Bill Skarsgård found himself in the bizarre position of chasing down a psychotic killer clown. Or was it creeping up on him? The search for Pennywise in Stephen King’s It was a harrowing, haunting and sometimes humiliating experience.

European Parliament shows real ambition on nature protection

European Parliament shows real ambition on nature protection

A huge majority of MEPs from all political groups has sent a strong message to the Commission and Council today by adopting a key report which calls for more action to protect nature. The text (1) deals with the European Commission’s Mid-term Review of the EU’s 2020 Biodiversity Strategy.

Computational biology & drug design (CBDD)

Computational biology & drug design (CBDD)

The main focus of research is the study of biomolecular systems using the theoretical and computational methods of quantum chemistry, classical simulation and molecular modeling. Emphasis is made on the chemical properties of small compounds in condensed phases, the analysis of structure-dynamics-function relationships in proteins.

21 best online cricket betting Internet sites In 2020 (Updated Record)

21 best online cricket betting Internet sites In 2020 (Updated Record)

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