Wel­come to the Ar­bi­tra­tion ser­vice ac­cord­ing to the Ger­man act on equal op­por­tu­ni­ties for per­sons with dis­abil­i­ties

Wel­come to the Ar­bi­tra­tion ser­vice ac­cord­ing to the Ger­man act on equal op­por­tu­ni­ties for per­sons with dis­abil­i­ties

Duties of the Arbitration Service. The purpose of the Arbitration Service is to settle disputes, by extrajudicial means, which arise between persons with disabilities and public authorities and relate to the subject of accessibility. Unlike legal proceedings, an arbitration procedure is free of charge, and there is no need to call upon legal counsel.

Smart Cities and communities: positive energy districts workshop

Smart Cities and communities: positive energy districts workshop

Given that roughly 75% of Europe’s population lives in cities the EU’s urban areas are important contributors to the EU’s energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which have a huge impact on climate change. A smart city is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital and telecommunication technologies

When Teddy brought Andy back from beyond; waking his owner from a coma

When Teddy brought Andy back from beyond; waking his owner from a coma

When Andy Szasz, 65, developed pneumonia while being treated for bowel cancer the doctors at Southampton General needed to put him into a medically induced coma. The situation was very worrying. But Andy and his dog Teddy are fighters! After a visit from Teddy, Andy miraculously awoke three days earlier than scheduled after hearing his faithful-friend barking.

Joomla! 3.5.1 mail changes

Joomla! 3.5.1 mail changes

Joomla! 3.5.1 was released yesterday and reports have been coming in regarding new errors from the mail API. While this is annoying, there is a strong reason why this needed to happen and the repercussions of it. Opportunistic TLS.

$40 billion of potential spending impacted every year by poor experiences

$40 billion of potential spending impacted every year by poor experiences

Australian businesses lose more than $720 for every negative customer experience, according to the latest EY Customer Experience Series survey The cost of complaining. EY Advisory Partner, Jenny Young said 39% of customers were not contacting their supplier to attempt to have their complaint heard or resolved.

Growing support in US for some climate change action

Growing support in US for some climate change action

As the other signatories to the Paris Agreement on climate change wait to see whether the next US administration will comply with the deal, the 2016 Chicago Council Survey finds strong bipartisan support for US participation. In addition, support for taking at least gradual steps to mitigate climate change has risen over the past six years among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

Activism might not be a matter of choice anymore for museums

Activism might not be a matter of choice anymore for museums

A couple of months ago, #dayoffacts encouraged cultural institutions – museums, libraries, universities… – to share actual facts about climate change, human rights, gender equality against a backdrop continued political controversy and unrest. The initiative, even though it is declared as not political, clearly aimed to fight against the rise of “alternative facts”.

DR Jennifer Ryan

DR Jennifer Ryan

I am an applied mathematician specializing in the numerical solution to hyperbolic partial differential equations. Follow this link for details of current PhD opportunities in Mathematics. But feel free to email me to discuss projects outside these areas and alternative sources of funding.

OpenDelta brings incremental system updates to Omni

OpenDelta brings incremental system updates to Omni

One of the core tenants of Omni was that we wouldn’t just add a feature to the project without it being value-added and Open Source. This allows our focus to stay community-driven and encourage others to contribute to and benefit from the project. We all love to get those updates to our devices, but sometimes it becomes tedious to get an update that is 100MB+ over non-WiFi connections.

Germany’s Finkelstein phobia

Germany’s Finkelstein phobia

Renowned scholar and descendent of Holocaust survivors prevented by German Israel Lobby to speak about Gaza Norman Finkelstein, an internationally renowned scholar of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, was due to talk about the state of the decades-old conflict and the situation in Gaza one year after the Israeli assault last week in Munich and Berlin.