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Språk: Svenska (SV)
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Franchising | Business brokers

  • Totala investeringar: 
    kr10 778
  • Betalningar: 
    N / A
  • Ursprungsland 
23.02.2022 vid 09:27     Kontrollera relevans: 03.04.2022


White label business broker agency franchise.

It is basically a one-step entry into a business that would take several years to prepare itself. The most difficult task - finding the first customers and understanding the business model - is already done and will be handed over to you.

Kategori av tillgången:

Franchise ekonomi

  • Investeringar som krävs:
    N / A
  • Startavgift (från):
    kr10 778


Information om franchise ägare

  • Företagsbeskrivning:
    The offer is for people who wants to work in the business sales / business consulting market, but for various reasons haven’t done it yet.

    The work is endlessly interesting, because you will communicate only with business owners, you will get to know a large number of interesting people, you will have a good understanding of the market, economic trends and prospects.

    It is basically a one-step entry into a business that would take several years to prepare itself. The most difficult task - finding the first customers and understanding the business model - is already done and will be handed over to you.

    On average 6-8 months

    For comprehensive information, contact us. lt and we will send you full business description – you will be able to assess price fairness.
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  • Flexibel konfiguration få aviseringar om annonser som intresserar dig
  • Låt affärer säljare söker efter dig själv
Sälja tjänster snabbt och lönsamt


Vi har en hög närvaro.

  • Populärt bland lokala och utländska besökare
  • Noteringen skickas direkt till befintlig databas med intresserade köpare
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Hitta en mäklare

Mäklare. Advokater. Värderingsmän.

  • Bekväm urval av nödvändiga proffs för transaktionen
  • Bekväm begäran om kostnadsservice alla yrkesverksamma