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Business opportunity in Canada

US$ 345 000 - US$ 520 000  
  • Form
    Sale established business
  • Activity:
  • Revenue (per month):
    US$ 58 108
  • Cash Flow (per month):
    US$ 3 058
  • Payback period (years):
  • Established in:
    2004 (business age in years 20)
  • Employees:
  • Type
03.01.2022 at 21:01   Relevance check: 01.04.2022

Business description

Original language of this text: Español
Translate to English

La compania se dedica a la produccion de comida Mexicana y Tortllas desde 2004 utilizando ingredientes organicos y proveedores locales, para su venta al menudeo y mayoreo.
Cuenta con su propia tienda y cocina para la venta al publico y bodega para la venta al mayoreo.
La tienda opera 6 dias a la semana, 8 horas diario, toda la comida es para llevar no es restaurante. Tambien tenemos entrega a domicilio.
Cuenta con marca registrada reconocida y cartera de clientes muy bien establecida. La empresa cuenta con personal calificado y experiencia en la elaboracion de los platillos.
Dato Financieros, El crecimiento de la empresa ha sido constante, logrando los ultimos anos un crecimiento del 15% anual aprox. logrando ventas anuales cercanas al millon de dolares y utilidades aprox de dos cientos treinta mil dolares
INVERCION $ 590,000,00 Dolares Canadiences
Para mayores informes
canadaopportunity 2020@gmail. com


  • Units:
    Operating business, Staff, Tangible assets, Intangible assets, Training and support

Geography and location

  • City:
  • Location characteristics:
    • In the residential area

Transaction terms

  • Price:
    US$ 345 000 - US$ 520 000

Financial information

Monthly averages:

  • Cash Flow (per month):
    US$ 3 058
  • Revenue (per month):
    US$ 58 108


  • Price/Revenue:
  • Price/Profit (payback period):

Corporate issues

  • Legal form:
    Private company
  • Number of owners:
  • Share for sale:
  • Reason for selling:
    Нealth (age, fatigue, illness, retirement)


  • Number of employees:
  • Additional information on employees:
    4 de tiempo completo y 2 de medio tiempo.

Characteristics of tangible assets

  • Tangible assets and working capital included in the asking price:
    • Equipment
    • Inventories
    • Furniture

Characteristics of intangible assets

  • Appraised value:
    (included in the asking price)
    • Licenses
    • Certificates
    • Customer database
    • Software

Training and support

  • Help and support that seller is ready to provide:
    • Financial advice and assistance
    • Bank assistance
    • Lease offer / Mediation
    • Organisational assistance
    • Market analysis / Statistics
    • Purchasing system
    • Organising / Management
    • Bookkeeping
    • Advice on recruitment
    • Location analysis 
    • Marketing concept / Suggestions
    • Internal computer network
    • Protection against competitors
    • Training and consultations
    • Primary training
    • Workshops
    • Training at the company
    • Email consultations
    • Startup training
    • Exchange of experience / Partner meeting
    • Phone consultation

Additional information

  • Competition in the market:
    No hay competencia en la ciudad.
  • Business growth potential:
    Hay muchas formas de seguir creciendo en negocio, con la cantidad de dinero que se gana alcansa muy bien para que dos familias vivan muy bien aqui en Canada.
  • Working hours:
  • Other important information:
    La comida Mexicana cada dia tiene mas demanda y es muy popular.

Contact the seller

Please be as specific as possible. The seller usually wants to know:
- How do you intend to purchase the business or asset?
- What is your time frame for the purchase?
- What is your experience?

Seller's contacts

  • Type:

Contact the seller

Please be as specific as possible. The seller usually wants to know:
- How do you intend to purchase the business or asset?
- What is your time frame for the purchase?
- What is your experience?

Seller's contacts

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